Semester 2; 3D modelling / UV Mapping Task

Group Members;
– Patrick Gallagher
– Becca McEwan 
– Lauren Meenagh
– Kae Masterson

For this semester’s task we where assigned to groups of 4-5 to work on a a scene that told a story; this could be told in a still life image or through the cameras eye-to animation.

As we got together we discussed the various themes or ideas we could use; we brainstormed a few which you can view below;

As we communicated and discussed the process of what we’d like to use or portray in the storytelling scene we Circled the ones that seemed appealing to us, We first started with talking about a Tavern-Fantasy with a Sci-fi twist to it, Aliens instead of the rural creatures that you’d find such as Man or Dwarves, You can view the Concept for those below;

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As we went further on into our Investigations to figure out a rough ground of what we wanted to achieve, we stumbled on a problem with creating a Tavern as it would be too cluttered and we felt it would have been a very big mix up of themes if we where going with a Sci-fi Approach as it would have been hard to incorporate something so large into another broadening idea; So as we discussed further we liked the ideas of Abandoned Buildings and other forms of buildings; which Alike the first idea we felt would fall flat in our modelling and research; None the less we created a few Mood Boards to have a collection of various ideas to show our progress;

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So with all our ideas on the table; We thought of going back to our first brain storm and choosing a grocery store; for this we felt it was the perfect fit as we could tell a story and have it in a Freeze-Frame type of motion as we wanted something that could be easily translated through the screen and be told with the story.

Grocery store Concepts;

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Becca firstly created Mood boards to help us generate an ideal world of what we wished to create with our story; We definitely wanted it to be a retro-futuristic themed space with a lot of lights and various bright vibrant colours such as Blues, Purples, Yellows and vibrant Greens to show our choice in colours we definitely took inspiration from the various glowing signs you can see late night in many small convenience stores; Next came the Location concepts and various Assets we would be modelling and adding to our main scene render, Most of the outside concepts where made by Patrick and Becca whilst the objects was a group effort between each of us!

Location Concepts;

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Next we worked on assembling our Mini mapping for our scene, we wanted to ensure we had a rough idea where everything would be and have in its place; you can see these below;

Scene assembly concepts;

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Object Concepts;

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After we discussed these ideas we finally agreed to continue working on the grocery / Convenience store; We then began taking our concept sheets and bringing them into Maya to begin our modelling progress;

Object Models;

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As I finished my concept art I dove straight into modelling my assets for my team, Which you can see above; I had a lot of fun and learned various techniques from various Maya tutorials I have saved to a tab on you tube; you can view the playlist of these saved videos here for future reference; 

Wire frames of our Assets within the scene;

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After we completed all our assets; we then moved onto putting them together in an entire scene; this was probably the most time consuming piece of the task for us as we knew we had to place our objects in our scene with various lighting techniques and colour shifts we found a format that suited us and our abilities to properly set up the environment for this Assignment; you can view the rendered images below with all our assets placed within the scene;

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