Semester 2: Animated Short Part 1- Sheepy and the wolf

Group members:
Kinga Jakubiec
Jacob Matthess
Sudipta Patra
Lauren Meenagh

For our first Initial idea, we discussed the overall theme and plot inwhich our Animation would be based around; we looked into various movies and shows with a similar ideals to that of Joseph Barbera and William Hanna’s “Tom and Jerry” to take influence from the comedic duo cat and mouse; although we also looked at “Arashi no Yoru ni” a Korean film created by Kimura Yuichi, which tale begins with a small goat named “Mei” meeting a friendly wolf named “Gabu” This film has an amazing soundtrack aswell as surrounding artwork to accompany the characters involved, we wanted to follow a similar theme and insure the characters fitted where they where initially in place to help the viewer gain a sense of realism with a slight cartoonish aspect, although instead of the wolf being friendly toward the Sheep, we have a slapstick comedy ending with the little sheep being slain, going back to the “Tom and Jerry” Aspect of the plot.
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