Main Project: Finale

I will now be talking about the final stages of my major project and showing the final pieces I made to put my work together.

Like I stated in the previous Blogpost, as more time went on the reality of the possibility of not finishing my project to the deadline was worrying for me, I needed to re-strategize my workflow to help myself construct a new plan.

The struggles with Covid especially this year has been harrowing for everyone, It was hard to communicate online especially when previous years we where there in person, however I feel I have managed well with my time structure and classes which I am proud of myself for. As I thought further into this I felt a trailer would be perfect to show both my Artwork and my Animation skills.

Below you can see the stills I made for the in-betweens of the trailer

I then worked on creating a Ending scene which you can view here:

Leaf background credited to

When finding a program to create my trailer in on time, it was a struggle as I only had a few days to complete it in, this was the ultimate struggle I faced as I wanted to show my animation skills as well as my artistic abilities, I opted to unfortunately use Moviemaker and a program called Camtasia Studio to produce my work in, I felt the completed project wasn’t bad as it shown my abilities in Animating and artistry however I wished I’d have timed myself more accurately so I could have taken the time in learning a program such as Sony Vegas or Premier Pro.

But with the struggles I faced as I said, I feel the quality of working in Movie maker shouldn’t affect the work I have shown through ought my blog and have produced for this Project.

You can view the full Product below, thank you for reading along with my journey this year, I have learnt a lot and grown in my art, I hope for the future I hope I can continue to work on my craft and continue to seek and find work within the Industry.

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