Studio Project – EnterYes !

For our near final assignment we where split into teams of 4 or 5 to work with an assigned studio, my group where assigned to the studio EnterYes in Belfast!

When me and my team arrived at the studio, we where welcomed in and where quickly given advice about working in a studio such as theres – I found this extremely helpful and felt like I was already in a professional environment.

We where quickly given assignments to work on according to our strengths – Mine being concept art / Design, As stated my strength is not in Modelling.

So first we where assigned to broaden the production to insert our own ideas into the already-huge project, these are the first two sketches that I created following the pinterest board we where shown by Kris.

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As I looked back in the slack group that Kris and his team had, I became aware of their direction of how they wanted the game to look and feel, I enjoy these types of games so I was very excited to start working on these concepts, so I continued further.

My idea behind these concepts was when Kris stated he wanted a type of “Security” system or “Guards” Within ONAR, I thought of very Boss-Like appearances, I also took inspiration on how the game “Halo” creates its characters, with a very robotic like appearance.

You can view my personal inspiration behind my concepts on this board here


The next time I was told to start creating some Helmet concepts for them, I researched helmets for Motor cycles and Bike racing, aswell as normal helmets that everyday people use in Bicycle journeys.
I found it very interesting the different types of helmets that where made, fashionable and others associating to a specific job IE: Builders, Construction workers etc…

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For these helmets I was very inspired by the Game “Breath of the wild” Inwhich revolves around these steam-punk type of monster called “Guardians” which roamed the lands and if they spotted you, would shoot you, the top of their armour is almost shaped like a helmet, which I found quite interesting on first inspection, you can see these below;

Images copyrighted to Hajime Wakai / Nintendo

I was then assigned to create Inmate designs, inwhich I was extremely excited to do, As I love creating weird and whacky Monsters, people and designs, i’ve played many games that have these types of Boss fights or “Mini” Bosses such as; Legend of Zelda, Shadow of the collosus, Skyrim etc..


For the middle concept in this sheet I wanted to go with a mutated type of being, I felt like the world of ONAR when reviewing the animatic, I noticed the world was very desert-y and with the two factions i’d have loved the thought of not only humans are inhabiting the strange world of this game.


I had a great experience and I had a wonderful time getting to know the people involved, I hope in the future to improve and expand upon my concept creations to show others in the future.

Here are the presentations Piers from our group created using our work;

You can find our collective ideas that came together to help this studio with their work in the links above to our presentations we’d done!

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